The local currency is the Egyptian Pound (called Gineyh in Arabic).

Hundred  Egyptian Pound made of

100 Pounds

Fifty   Egyptian Pound made of

50 Pounds

Twenty  Egyptian Pound made of

20 Pounds

Ten   Egyptian Pound made of

10 Pounds

Five   Egyptian Pound made of

5 Pounds

One   Egyptian Pound is made of

100 piasters

Half   Egyptian Pound is made of

50 piasters

Quarter  Egyptian Pound is made of

25 piasters




25 piasters

50 piasters

1 Pound

5 pound

10 pound

20 pound

50 pound

100 pound

200 pound

Currency Converter

Credit cards
MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and Visa are widely accepted. Check with your credit card company for details of merchant acceptability and other services which may be available.

Travelers cheques
To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travelers are advised to take travelers cheques in US Dollars or Pounds Sterling.

Currency Restrictions
The import or export of local currency is limited to E£1000. There are no restrictions on the import or export of foreign currency as long as it is declared in an official customs form.


Banking Hours
The banking hours are Sunday to Thursday, 8.30 am to 2 pm.


Social Conventions
The Egyptians are generally courteous and hospitable thus expects similar respect from visitors. The form of handshaking will suffice as a greeting. Woman should dress conservatively and not wear revealing clothes, particularly when in religious buildings and in towns. The Western style of dress is accepted in the modern nightclubs, restaurants, hotels and bars of bigger towns.

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This huge foundation was established on 1997 and practice all different travel business ever since. Read More

Contact Info

65 El Nozha St Seven Square Buildings. Cairo , Egypt

+202 24158601

+202 24158600

+202 24158660

+201 223513598