Obtain visa in advance unless you are traveling only to the Eastern Coast of Sinai from the Taba Terminal
(10 km. south of Eilat).
General Regulations :
Non-Egyptian visitors arriving in Egypt are required to be in possession of a minimum 6 months valid passport. Entry visas may be obtained from Egyptian Diplomatic and Consular Missions abroad or from the Entry Visa Department at the Travel Documents, Immigration and Nationality Administration (TDINA). It is, however, possible for most tourists and visitors to obtain an entry visa at any of the major ports of entry. Please check with the nearest Egyptian Consulate for specific details and regulations relevant to your nationality.
Although we will be constantly updating the content of our information, it is the responsibility of the traveler to check that the below regulations are still valid. In case of any doubt please contact the Egyptian Embassy or Consulate in your country. Remember you will need to carry your passport with you at all times. If you are traveling between Red Sea cities or to a national park in Egypt, it is especially important to have your passport to be able to enter and cross possible check points between cities.
Tourist Visa:
is usually valid for a period of 30 days and granted on either single or multiple entry basis.
Entry Visa:
is required for any foreigner arriving in Egypt for purposes other than tourism,
(E.g. work, study, etc); the possession of a valid Entry Visa is needed to complete
the residence procedure in Egypt.
Transit Visa:
In case your nation is not on the list of countries that need a pre-arrival-visa (please see list below), you can get your visa when you arrive in Egypt. The process is straightforward. You have to buy "visa stamps" for the amount of the fee required for your nationality. These fees vary from 15 to 50 US$ and cannot be paid in Egyptian pounds. The stamps are stuck in your passport and you can proceed to the customs desk.
Passports and ID Cards, All nationalities, except for Italian and German, need a passport with minimum 6 months validity.
Italian and German citizens can enter Egypt with their identity cards; the identity card must be valid for travel abroad and have a minimum validity of at least 6 months from arrival date. In such a case visitors need to have:
- 2 recent pictures
- 1 photocopy of the identity card
upon arrival (or during the flight) they will be asked to fill in a form that will be handed over in the customs desk.
Children; must be in their parents’ passport or being in possession of their own passport or (for Italian and German citizens) identity card valid for travel abroad.
If the child is more than 10 years old, a recent picture must be on parents’ passport. Children more than 11 years old cannot be in parent’s passport and need a personal passport.